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It is our common experience that all of us have one or the other time broken some kind of law. We are aware of it or we do it unknowingly that doesn't matter because it can land us in very dangerous conditions. But none of us would have thought very deeply about something that is illegal online and could get us in trouble. Internet is all around us and has become an integral part of our daily life and I bet that each of you must have committed one or other mistake that are included in the list. The most common ones are no. 2, 8, 9 and 10. So see through the list and think which ones have you done.

# 1.Uploading Copyrighted content to YouTube.
It includes TV shows to Official trailers. But any copyrighted content can get you in trouble.
#2.Faking your name. 
This one is the most common one. I have not done it although but its pretty common. Even changing your name by a word can land you in court.
#3.Downloading torrents.
They are illegal, so its advice to keep distance from torrents.
#4.Sharing Passwords.
Sharing passwords may lead to unauthorized access of any website specially premium ones, so don't share your passwords.
#5.Unauthorized access to a private Wi-Fi.
Yes, using someone's unsecured internet or just cracking or using it without his consent is illegal.
# 6.Doing Proxy.
Its illegal to Proxy someone's site. 
# 7.Registering TM domains.
If you have registered a Trademarked domain, it doesn't matter who reached first, you or the TM holding company, the company has the full right to sue you.
# 8.Underage Facebook Accounts.
 If you are not 13 you should not use Facebook....
#9.Saving images from search results.
The images may be copyrighted and you have no right to do that.
# 10.Using Adblockers.
Although its almost impossible to make people stop using these but it is illegal to use them.
We hope that you really got astonished by some of them and enjoyed the list.

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abdilah azza Updated at: 12:54 PM